Dr. Frank Elberzhager

Dr. Frank Elberzhager leitet die Abteilung Archicture-Centric Engineering am Fraunhofer IESE. Seit über fünfzehn Jahren leitet er Forschungs- und Industrieprojekte unterschiedlicher Größe und Kritikalität. Inhaltich beschäftigt er sich vor allem mit Themen rund um Softwarequalitätssicherung und –architektur. Aktueller Fokus seiner Forschungsarbeiten sind Ökosysteme in digitalen Stadtquartieren und ländlichen Regionen, Datenplattformen sowie Datenräume. Zudem berichtet er regelmäßig auf Konferenzen von Ergebnissen aus Forschung und Praxis.

High Quality @ Short Time-to-Market: How the need for speed changes your software’s quality requirements and where you have to invest!

Shorter times for delivering new software products and updated versions are more and more common. Higher speed can provide substantial business value, but only if adequate quality can be delivered. In this article, we explain how the need for speed impacts your software’s quality requirements and why development time and operation quality requirements need strong improvement.

Architecture-Centric Integration Testing

Architecture design is responsible for dividing an overall system into manageable pieces, which can be independently worked on. The subsequent build and integration process is responsible for putting the pieces together to form intermediate stages and finally the overall system. Additionally, more and more integration of software systems of all types happen. Nevertheless, little attention is still paid to integration testing. We elaborate why architecting and integration testing should be highly connected activities and which best practices allow integration testing to be effective in practice.