Frank Schnicke

Frank Schnicke ist Leiter der Abteilung Digital Twin Engineering am Fraunhofer-Institut für Experimentelles Software Engineering. Die von ihm geleitete Abteilung konzentriert sich auf die Bereitstellung skalierbarer Lösungen für die Arbeit mit der Asset Administration Shell, die sowohl in fehlenden kritischen Bereichen als auch in AAS-Datenräumen eingesetzt werden können. Außerdem ist er Projektleiter für Eclipse BaSyx und Eclipse AAS4J, die eine einfache und nachhaltige Implementierung von AAS-basierten Anwendungsfällen ermöglichen.

Integrating Systems of Record (SOR) into the Asset Administration Shell (AAS) Dataspace: Bridging the Gap by Leveraging Submodel-based Interface Descriptions (Part 1)

A core technology in realizing Industry 4.0 is the Asset Administration Shell (AAS) as an implementation of the Digital Twin. The AAS enables interoperable data-sharing in a company as well as within a network of companies, creating an AAS dataspace….

Unlocking Agile Manufacturing: Embracing Service-based Production with Eclipse BaSyx (Part 1)

Service-based production promises a plethora of benefits, such as higher revenues, by providing custom-tailored products or a significant reduction of the time between the placement of a customer order and its fulfillment. However, how can service-based production be realized? Delve…

Utilizing the Asset Administration Shell to Make the Process Industry Changeable

The process industry is characterized by closed systems that cannot be inferred easily from the outside, enormous process durations, and long ramp-up and ramp-down times. As a result, changes to process plants are even more costly than in discrete manufacturing….

Measuring the Performance Efficiency of Eclipse BaSyx

Industrie 4.0 (I4.0) is about end-to-end digitalization between IT (information technology) and OT (operation technology), i.e., the shopfloor. For example, the production of small lot sizes requires the ability to efficiently change production. Modern approaches, such as service-oriented manufacturing and…

Device-Integration mit BaSyx

Device-Integration mit Verwaltungsschalen und Eclipse BaSyx einfach machen

Digitale Zwillinge sind eine Schlüsseltechnologie zur Zielerreichung von Industrie 4.0. Sie dienen als vereinheitlichte virtuelle Repräsentation von Assets wie Geräten, Produkten oder Sensoren und deren Eigenschaften. Die Nutzung von Konzepten wie der Verwaltungsschale (kurz: VWS) ermöglicht die Schaffung einer standardisierten…

Continuous Engineering (Continuous Planning and Continuous Budgeting)

Continuous Engineering for Industrie 4.0 (Part 2)

Future-proof decision making can be enabled by Continuous Planning and Continuous Budgeting with Continuous Integration of Digital Twins: Today we continue the series Continuous Engineering for Industrie 4.0, where we are exploring how continuous engineering practices should be instantiated to the automation domain to support Industrie 4.0 principles.

Continuous Engineering for Industrie 4.0

Continuous Engineering for Industrie 4.0 (Part 1)

Rolling out changes in complex systems is always a challenge. Regardless of whether a software component needs to be modified or whether a change in the communication network needs to be made, any change may lead to unexpected behavior. Continuous…

Industrie 4.0 IT Infrastructure

Implementing the Industrie 4.0 IT Infrastructure for Digital Twins

In our previous blog post, we outlined a solution architecture to show what an Industrie 4.0 IT infrastructure for Digital Twins can look like. However, an architecture on its own is not sufficient for realizing Industrie 4.0. To bring the…

Digitaler Zwilling: Aufbau der Industrie 4.0-IT-Infrastruktur

Der Technologietrend »Digitaler Zwilling« und Industrie 4.0 versprechen viele Vorteile, wie etwa eine effiziente Losgröße 1 oder diverse Optimierungen. Die erfolgreiche Umsetzung dieser Konzepte erfordert jedoch eine ausgefeilte IT-Infrastruktur. Was sind die Anforderungen an diese Infrastruktur, und wie kann sie…

Building the Industry 4.0 IT Infrastructure for Digital Twins

Industry 4.0 and Digital Twins promise many benefits, such as an efficient lot size 1 or various optimizations. However, successfully implementing these concepts requires a sophisticated IT infrastructure. What are the requirements on this infrastructure and how can it be…