Industrie 4.0

Wir haben Software und Systeme geschaffen, die es Unternehmen ermöglichen, individuell das Potenzial von Digitalisierung und Industrie 4.0 auszuschöpfen.

Der FMI-Standard und seine Bedeutung für die Industrie

This article is also available in English: The FMI standard and its significance in industry FMI als Mittel zur Beschleunigung der Produktentwicklung Der Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) Standard ist ein offener Standard, der erstmals 2010 als Lösung zur Reduzierung des…

The FMI Standard and Its Significance in Industry

Dieser Artikel ist auch in Deutsch verfügbar: Der FMI-Standard und seine Bedeutung für die Industrie FMI as a means to accelerate product development The Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) standard is an open standard first released in 2010 as a solution…

Simplifying Simulation Scenario Design and Execution: A Guide to Creating and Configuring FERAL Simulation Scenarios with YAML

Introduction Creating and configuring simulation scenarios is effort-intensive and time-consuming, mainly because each scenario requires a unique set of configurations, parameters, and settings, making the procedure time-consuming and error-prone. This complexity not only reduces productivity but also increases the learning…

Integrating Systems of Record (SOR) into the Asset Administration Shell (AAS) Dataspace: Bridging the Gap by Leveraging Submodel-based Interface Descriptions (Part 1)

A core technology in realizing Industry 4.0 is the Asset Administration Shell (AAS) as an implementation of the Digital Twin. The AAS enables interoperable data-sharing in a company as well as within a network of companies, creating an AAS dataspace….

Unlocking Agile Manufacturing: Embracing Service-based Production with Eclipse BaSyx (Part 1)

Service-based production promises a plethora of benefits, such as higher revenues, by providing custom-tailored products or a significant reduction of the time between the placement of a customer order and its fulfillment. However, how can service-based production be realized? Delve…

Energieoptimierte Produktion mit Digitalen Zwillingen

Das produzierende Gewerbe ist einer der größten Verursacher von CO₂-Emissionen und steht für ca. 31 % des Primärenergiebedarfs. In der industriellen Fertigung könnten bei einer beschleunigten Digitalisierung bis zu 12,7 Millionen Tonnen CO2 eingespart werden[1]. Genau mit dieser Aufgabenstellung befasst…

Process Planning and Continuous Scheduling

Process Planning and Continuous Scheduling (Part 2)

In our last Fraunhofer IESE blog post, we introduced a holistic process planning and scheduling design called RL design, which addresses individualized production with small lot sizes. However, this design cannot deal with scheduling problems in the case of large…

Igniting Innovation in Healthcare: A Recap of the Eclipse BaSyx Digital Twin Hackathon (BaSyx Hack)

In the heart of Kaiserslautern, October 2023 witnessed a convergence of brilliant minds at the BaSyx Digital Twin hackathon (BaSyx Hack), hosted by Fraunhofer IESE. Creativity was in the air, keyboards clicked in a rhythm of innovation, and minds raced…

Pharma 4.0: Automatisierung in der Medikamentenproduktion

Pharma 4.0: Individualmedizin durch Digitalisierung bezahlbar machen

Die Automatisierung der Medikamentenproduktion (auch Pharma 4.0 genannt) bietet große Potenziale! – Mit ihrer Hilfe kann die Produktion von Arzneimitteln beschleunigt und kostengünstiger gestaltet werden. Ein Anwendungsbeispiel: Auf mRNA basierende Impfstoffe sowie Gen- und Zelltherapeutika bieten Medizinerinnen und Medizinern neue…

Integrated Process Planning and Scheduling for Service-based Production with Deep Reinforcement Learning (Part 1)

Current industrial production scheduling approaches assume that process planning is performed before scheduling and that process plans are fully or at least partially available before scheduling starts. However, this is not the case in service-based production [5]. Service-based production provides…