
Mastering Bug Tracking in Agile Projects: Strategies for Streamlining Your Workflow

In the realm of agile software development, the efficient handling of bugs is important to ensuring reduction of efforts in most software projects. Rapid identification and resolution of bugs are significant to reduce the effort involved in most software projects…

Interview: How is managing quality requirements in rapid software development beneficial for companies?

From 10 to 12 May, the second plenary meeting of the Q-Rapids (Quality-Aware Rapid Software Development) H2020 European research project was held at Fraunhofer IESE. We interviewed Prof. Xavier Franch, the project manager of Q-Rapids and a professor at UPC-BarcelonaTech….

How competitive is your software (improvement)?

It is all about software today. Today, an organization’s functionality and innovation is increasingly driven by software. Nowadays, electronics and software are responsible for over 90% of all innovations in the automotive industry, and many industrial companies are becoming software…

Architecture-Centric Integration Testing

Architecture design is responsible for dividing an overall system into manageable pieces, which can be independently worked on. The subsequent build and integration process is responsible for putting the pieces together to form intermediate stages and finally the overall system. Additionally, more and more integration of software systems of all types happen. Nevertheless, little attention is still paid to integration testing. We elaborate why architecting and integration testing should be highly connected activities and which best practices allow integration testing to be effective in practice.

Historisch gewachsen – Systemmodernisierung richtig machen

Erfolgreiche Software lebt häufig viel länger als ursprünglich gedacht. Kontinuierliche Erweiterungen führen zu einem Zustand, den Praktiker gerne als „historisch gewachsen“ bezeichnen. Das äußert sich in inkonsistenter User Experience, leidender Qualität, steigenden Wartungskosten und mangelnder Innovationsfähigkeit.
Somit stellt sich fast jeder Softwarefirma irgendwann die Frage, wie die eigene Software erfolgreich renoviert werden kann und wie tiefgreifend der Eingriff werden muss oder darf, um auch in Zukunft die Geschäftsziele zu erreichen. Um die Weichen der Renovierung richtig zu stellen ist es notwendig, den tatsächlichen Zustand der Software genau zu analysieren, vor allem weil dieser erfahrungsgemäß deutlich von früheren Plänen und Dokumenten abweicht.