Online (MS Teams)  /  August 02, 2024, 11:00-12:00

Exchange with the community

The Eclipse BaSyx Open Hour on the Java and C++ SDKs takes place every first Friday of the month.

The community discusses issues, new features, and conceptual aspects of the Eclipse BaSyx middleware. Hands-on demonstrations of the implementation with the SDKs are also included.

This is intended to be an interactive format so that questions and comments can also be submitted during the event. Furthermore, the Fraunhofer IESE team will present new as well as planned features of the Eclipse BaSyx middleware. Conceptual issues and changes will be discussed, too. During the hands-on demonstrations, live implementations or configurations of the Eclipse BaSyx Java or C++ SDK will be shown.

To receive an access link to the Eclipse BaSyx Open Hour, please register using the registration form below.

(The access link is valid permanently and can be used for all BaSyx Open Hour dates.)


Next Eclipse BaSyx Open Hour dates:


  • August 02, 2024