Since 2019, the German Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Construction (BMWSB) and the KfW (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau) have been funding 73 “smart cities model projects” in three rounds. In total, the federal government is investing 820 million euros for the development and testing of practice-oriented digital solution approaches for the design of sustainable urban and municipal development oriented toward public welfare. To support the nationwide network of model projects, the BMWSB commissioned a consortium of renowned institutions to act as the Smart City Coordination and Transfer Office (KTS). In addition to overall project management, the tasks of the KTS include expert support, evaluation, and coordination of the knowledge transfer within the funded projects. In addition, the practical and specialized knowledge gained is to be transferred to the wider municipal sector.
Fraunhofer IESE supervises the smart cities model projects from Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland as a consultant of KTS. Furthermore, it is involved in various knowledge transfer formats, especially on innovative and technically driven topics such as urban data platforms, digital twins, open source, or smart city ecosystems. These topics are additionally the focus of its scientific support. In this context, five studies are currently being conducted with the goal of formulating innovative digitally supported concepts and thus recommendations for action for the model projects. In addition, Fraunhofer IESE is advising 18 model projects on their individual needs in order to support them in strategy and project development, efficient project management, and sustainable persistence of measures.