Seminar »Software Architecture«


  • 19.11.2024 – 21.11.2024 (3 Days)
  • 19.11.2024 – 22.11.2024 (4 Days)
  • 18.03.2025 – 20.03.2025 (3 Days)
  • 18.03.2025 – 21.03.2025 (4 Days)
  • 11.11.2025 – 13.11.2025 (3 Days)
  • 11.11.2025 – 14.11.2025 (4 Days)

Software Architecture

“Nobody would build a skyscraper or a bridge without employing an architect or construction engineer. In order to ensure that your software will be long-lived and successful, you need trained software architects. Rely on the expertise of Fraunhofer IESE to make sure that when you build your software, the façade will not crumble right away and change requests will not lead to its collapse.“ Dr. Jens Knodel

Architectures are the decisive factor for success in the development and evolution of software systems. Architectures define building plans via the characteristics, the behavior, and the structure of the software.

How you can benefit

After the seminar, you will have the knowledge and skills to …

  • use architectures in your company. Our methodology permits the participants to quickly get practical access to the topic of architecture. After the seminar, they will be able to define, use, and evaluate architectures on their own.
  • use architectures in a pragmatic manner. Architectures are no end in themselves; therefore, our methodology defines clear application cases. In particular, we emphasize application scenarios for architecture documentation: How to get from the architecture to something that is useful in development and evolution and helpful in daily practice.
  • interleave architectures with other software engineering activities. Results and industrial cases show how architectures can be used throughout the entire lifecycle.
  • be able to assess technological trends and hypes: The name Fraunhofer stands for the objective presentation of content. Unlike our competitors, we bring a neutral view to the subject.

You want to live the role of a “software architect“? Attend our seminar and benefit from our expertise!

What we offer

The goal of the seminar “Software Architecture“ is to train the participants in the typical activities performed by an architect. The seminar is a three-day on-site training session, which can be extended by an additional two days to consolidate the skills learned.

Day 1 Software Architecture Basics
Day 2 Design (Construction of Architecture Views)
Day 3 Evaluation of architectures
Optional: Practical modeling with Enterprise Architect and deepening of architecture design
Day 4 Consolidation and practice of architecture design (until approx. 15:30)

In addition to building up methodological knowledge, a lot of emphasis will be placed on the practical application of the newly learned skills. Many exercises and interchanges with experts will solidify what the participants have learned. After the seminar, the participants will be able to use the approaches they practiced in their daily work.

The multitude of our projects with industry partners shows that the lightweight approaches presented by us can also be introduced into a company‘s already existing process landscapes.


Fees 3-day basic seminar: 2,500.00 EUR per person*
4-day full seminar: 3,000.00 EUR per person


Included are all seminar materials, drinks, and lunches during the days of the seminar. Travel and accommodation costs must be borne by the participants themselves.

Venue: Fraunhofer IESE, Fraunhofer-Platz 1, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
* If we have to switch to an online version of the seminar due to the pandemic situation, the price for the 3-day seminar will be €2,000. In this case, the advanced training days cannot be offered.


Upon demand, we offer individually designed seminars for your company, with the training content being systematically matched to your needs.


Dr. Pablo Oliveira Antonino, Dr. Joachim Weber, Bernd Rauch and Balthasar Weitzel are software architects at Fraunhofer IESE in Kaiserslautern, Germany. Their expertise – consolidated experiences and lessons learned from more than 100 projects with industry in a wide variety of domains and system classes – is in the definition, improvement, and assessment of software architectures.

At Fraunhofer IESE, these instructors are responsible for project management, method development, and technology transfer in research and industry projects. They are in charge of research activities at IESE in the area of software and system architectures and coordinate the work of 30 team members in the area of architecture.

They regularly conduct training for practitioners on the subject of software architecture, both in seminars held regularly at Fraunhofer IESE and at customers’ premises. They also give numerous presentations and tutorials in this area at conferences and hold lectures at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Germany. They have published more than 100 publications in the areas of architecture, maintenance, and evolution of software.

Dr. Pablo Oliveira Antonino de Assis, Fraunhofer IESE
© Fraunhofer IESE

Dr. Pablo Oliveira Antonino is the department head of the Embedded Software Engineering Department at the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering IESE. The department’s competencies comprise the construction, assessment, and simulation of architectures for dependable embedded systems. Dr. Oliveira Antonino has been working at Fraunhofer IESE since 2009. Before joining Fraunhofer IESE, he worked as a software developer in various companies developing embedded and information systems. He received his PhD from the University of Kaiserslautern in 2016.

Bernd Rauch, Fraunhofer IESE
© Fraunhofer IESE

Bernd Rauch has been a software architect and project manager at Fraunhofer IESE since 2018 and co-head of the department “Architecture-Centric Engineering (ACE)” since 2022. In addition to his research interests around Digital Ecosystems and interoperability solutions, he focuses on software architectures in interactive information systems. As a computer scientist with an MBA, it is important to him to look at projects and software systems holistically and to include not only the technical perspective, but also the user perspective and underlying business models. Since 2020, he has been one of the trainers of the seminar “Software Architecture” of the Fraunhofer Academy.

Balthasar Weitzel, Fraunhofer IESE
© Fraunhofer IESE

Balthasar Weitzel is co-head of the department “Smart City Engineering” at Fraunhofer IESE. He received his German Diplom degree in Computer Science at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern and has been working as a software architect at Fraunhofer IESE in Kaiserslautern since 2009. In his role as Expert “Platform Architecture and Realization”, he was responsible for project management, method development, and technology transfer in research and industry projects. He led the development in the projects “Digital Villages”  and “Smarte.Land.Regionen”, in which a cloud-based app ecosystem is being developed and tested together with citizens. In his current role, his focus is on software engineering in projects in the field of Smart City and Smart Region.

Feedback from Participants

Seminar Softwarearchitektur Teilnehmerfeedback, Fraunhofer IESE
© Fraunhofer IESE
Seminar Softwarearchitektur Teilnehmerfeedback

What I liked best …

  • "The switching between theory and practical exercises"
  • "The quality and credibility of the content taught"
  • "The substantial conversations with the seminar leaders and the participants outside the official meetings"
  • "The fact that the participants came from various domains and thus opened up different/new perspectives"

How would you summarize the seminar in one sentence?

  • "At the seminar, a comprehensive proposal was made regarding how to design the role of the architect."
  • "Well organized, very helpful. Thank you!"
  • "Enriching"
  • "A comprehensive overview of this topic and with practical in-depth information/applications; good exchange with colleagues from other companies."
  • "Provided a sensible summary of the complex issue of software architecture to create a good basis on which to build further."

* Required

Registration Software Architecture

Privacy policy
  • We do, of course, treat your data confidentially and do not pass it on to third parties. You can object to the processing of your data at any time.

  • The participation fee is tax-free according to Sec 4 No. 22a of the German Value Added Tax Act (UStG).

    It includes accompanying documents, the examination fee, and catering during on-site events. We do, of course, treat your data confidentially and do not pass it on to third parties. You can object to the processing of your data at any time.

    Following the training, our accounting department will send an official invoice to the address provided by you. 

  • We do, of course, treat your data confidentially and do not pass it on to third parties. You can object to the processing of your data at any time.

  • The participation fee is tax-free according to Sec 4 No. 22a of the German Value Added Tax Act (UStG).

    It includes accompanying documents, the examination fee, and catering during on-site events. We do, of course, treat your data confidentially and do not pass it on to third parties. You can object to the processing of your data at any time.

    Following the training, our accounting department will send an official invoice to the address provided by you.