Virtual Engineering for Sustainability

Making a virtue out of necessity

Sustainability is inevitable

Sustainability aspects are becoming more important in every aspect of our life. This also includes the way we are doing business and how we produce things. To reduce emissions and fulfill regulatory requirements, a huge part of industry will have to adopt innovative technologies to control their production, track their emissions, and still be competitive and profitable. With digital technologies, the changes can be handled and a virtue can be made out of necessity. 

Change means opportunity

Adapting virtual engineering technologies does not only make it possible to reduce emissions. By connecting different machines and technologies, the efficiency of the entire process is also increased. Lot sizes can be reduced, standby times minimized, and energy use optimized, creating a market advantage over traditional companies through lower unit costs and higher quality standards.

But the opportunities are not limited to the production process. During the development process, too, virtual testing of software and hardware can reduce the need for physical test models during those phases, which not only lowers costs, but also avoids emissions and decreases time to market. 

Our Solution

By using our latest technology, we can support companies in creating Digital Twins, which enable data collection and process control. They also allow making necessary changes quickly using our Eclipse BaSyx middleware – independent of the manufacturer of the machines and the software. By applying our simulation framework FERAL, we can support companies in simulating the interaction of the Digital Twins to predict the consequences of changes before they are applied in the real production environment.

Further information


Energy optimized production with Digital Twins. [in German]

Energy-optimized production

Sustainability in production with digital twins. [in German]

Development of modern simulation solutions


Complete service overview

Virtual Engineering


We will be happy to support you with our tools and our knowledge in the digitalization of your systems.