Fraunhofer IESE »KI-Personas«

Bringing personas to life: Revolutionize your product development with AI-driven stakeholder feedback

Integrating stakeholders into the development of software is essential – being able to consult them at any time is illusory. Or is it? Fraunhofer IESE offers you a customized service that makes it possible to include the opinions of your stakeholders at any time.

Ki, Sicherheit, Absicherung, Fraunhofer IESE
Our AI-driven personas implement the classic persona methodology digitally and interactively.

The intended users of a software system can provide valuable insights into their wishes, expectations, and things they want to avoid at all costs. In practice, however, it is difficult to have the right representatives of the user groups available at the right time; for example, when a product owner has to decide on the priority of a feature, or when a user experience designer is designing the user experience. To ensure that the opinions of the stakeholders in your projects are duly taken into account nonetheless, we at Fraunhofer IESE provide you with an AI-based service. This service is tailored to your project plans and allows you to access the opinions of your stakeholders at any time.

Large Language Models enable direct access to representatives of your stakeholders

Future users are usually the most important stakeholders in a development project. Their impulses and opinions can be decisive for the success of a product and should therefore have a significant influence on its design. In addition to users, there are many groups of stakeholder who are only indirectly affected by the system, but whose opinions nevertheless carry weight. Listening to all needs and opinions is crucial for the success of a product and its smooth implementation.

At the same time, suitable representatives are often difficult to reach – be it because they are far away or because involving them is challenging or expensive. In practice, stakeholders are therefore often not consulted frequently enough or not at the right time. This entails the risk of missing good ideas or critical feedback from stakeholders and thus developing the wrong thing. This can cause considerable additional costs and increase the risk of failure on the market.

As it is not always practical to “simply ask the users”, we provide you with the “IESE Virtual Personas” as an online service. These are based on a generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) that is able to conduct conversations via chat using the underlying Large Language Model (LLM). These models can take on roles and characters (a persona) and are therefore predestined to act as representatives of a user or stakeholder group.

  • Personas in practice to date

    The persona methodology is a proven approach in user-centered development that allows representing typical user groups by fictitious characters. These personas are based on extensive research, data analyses, and interviews with real users. They help to better understand the needs, behaviors, and goals of users and integrate them into the development process.

    Traditionally, personas are often represented by posters that summarize the most important characteristics and behaviors of the user groups. However, these posters are abbreviated representations of the insights gained and must be interpreted individually. On the one hand, this is prone to error, but on the other hand, the lack of interactivity also means that personas are not used or used only inadequately: Their use is often limited to their creators instead of being used by the entire team. As a result, their potential is not fully exploited.

Discover the next generation of personas – from static posters to virtual partners at your desk

Our AI-driven personas implement the classic persona methodology digitally and interactively. They enable you to talk to digital representatives of your stakeholders as if they were real people. These virtual personas offer all team members of a project access to valuable feedback independent of time and place. A requirements engineer can elicit background information on a requirement, and a designer can get inspiration and feedback on user interactions. Potential objections from project partners and conflicts of interest between design, business, and technology can also be identified and discussed in advance.

In order to be able to represent the opinions of stakeholders in a well-founded manner, the virtual personas draw on a huge amount of generally accessible information. We further improve the performance of the virtual personas by packaging and incorporating project-specific information and research results. As a result, the virtual personas act in a way that is individually tailored to your project teams and enable conversations that create real added value through inspiration and validation.

blau, türkis, icon, user research, anwender, konzept

»KI-Personas« at a glance



  • Continuous integration of stakeholder feedback into your project plans in order to take stakeholder interests into account and strengthen empathy for their needs
  • Easy access to stakeholders: All project participants have access to stakeholders so that their opinions are known and the background can be understood
  • Dependable information based on your project information so that you can make the right product decisions
  • Improved decision-making: Minimize the risk of wrong developments through continuous and precise feedback


  • Prerequisite for working with personas: Analysis and research carried out on the project-relevant user groups
  • Creation of personas based on your project and the stakeholders and user groups relevant to your project
  • Processing and storage of project content to tailor the statements of the AI-based personas to your context
  • Configuration and provision of the virtual personas via a comfortable web interface
  • Continuous improvement of the personas based on new findings so that they are always up-to-date and relevant


  • Software-as-a-Service provided in a GDPR-compliant and secure environment
  • Individual virtual personas for use in your project teams

Your benefits

  1. You can use the virtual IESE personas to bring the target groups of your products virtually into your team so that your team is always in contact with its future users. In addition, other project-relevant stakeholders can also be consulted, and their opinions can be taken into account at an early stage.

  2. The virtual personas can be contacted quickly and easily via a chat, independent of time and place, and give you dependable real-time information about ideas, features, and prioritization from their respective viewpoints. This saves money and prevents gray hair.

  3. You get data-based decision support that you can use right from the start of the project and that is kept up-to-date and maintained throughout the course of the project so that you can always keep an eye on the actual interests of your target groups