Tutorial on Continuous Architecture Virtual Validation with Digital Twins

Welcome and greetings from the organizers

We are happy to announce the Tutorial on Continuous Architecture Virtual Validation with Digital Twins.

In this tutorial we aim at sharing foundational knowledge simulations, virtual prototypes, digital twins and continuous engineering, and how these techniques have been used in different industrial sectors to design and evaluate architectures of dependable systems. The participants will be able to execute tasks with tools that have been used in practice. We also intend to share how these techniques and tools have been used in continuous engineering pipelines, what makes them core part of development processes.

The Tutorial on Continuous Architecture Virtual Validation with Digital Twins is co-located with the 18th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA) in Luxembourg and will take place in September 02 to 06, 2024.


Dr. Pablo Oliveira Antonino, Fraunhofer IESE, Kaiserslautern, Germany

Priom Biswas, Fraunhofer IESE, Germany 

Benedikt Lüken Winkels, Fraunhofer IESE, Kaiserslautern, Germany 

Marius Becker, Fraunhofer IESE, Germany

According to BMW, 95% of its architecture evaluation have to be virtual and simulated (Footnote https://www.golem.de/sonstiges/zustimmung/auswahl.html?from=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.golem.de%2Fnews%2Fzulassung-autonomer-autos-die-laengste-fahrpruefung-des-universums-1611-124139.html). This is only one example of how virtual engineering techniques have been used in practices to architect critical systems. In this regard, concepts and techniques based on simulations and digital twins have been widely adopted in various industry sectors to enable continuous, faster and more accurate evaluations of architecture decisions, what will lead in positive impacts on the organizations architectural business drivers, like the ones related to time-to-market, engineering and maintenance costs, and position front the competitors. Due to these new dynamics imposed by the market, technologies to enable virtual engineering has been on the focus of tool providers and manufactures. The focus has been put specially on simulation techniques and digital twins.

In this regard, this tutorial will provide an overview and practical sections on the technologies and methods developed that covers these topics. More specifically, the following topics will be covered: Motivating the need for virtual engineering, Virtual Engineering and Simulation, Digital Twins, and Architecture-centric Continuous Engineering and virtual engineering.

Tutorial Preliminary Schedule

  1. Motivating the need for Virtual Engineering with Industrial Examples. 
  2. Introduction to Virtual Engineering  - Digital Twins and Simulations. 
  3. Introduction to Continuous Engineering and CI/CD Pipelines. 
  4. Implementing Digital Twins with FERAL - Overview and "Hello World" example. 
  5. Implementing Industry 4.0 Digital Twins with Eclipse BaSyx - Overview and "Hello World" example. 
  6. Industrial Experiences and Research Opportunities on Architecture-centric Contin-uous Engineering and virtual engineering. 

The tutorial aims at teaching the participants (i) basic concepts, (ii) methods and (iii) tools that have been used to realize the key topics on virtual engineering. More specifically the tutorial participants will be able to exercise the methods learned by creating basic examples using the following two tools:

  1.  FERAL4: Fast Evaluation on Requirements and Architecture Level is a platform for the rapid creation of simulation- and virtual evaluation tools. Its core is designed to couple simulators and simulation models with different models of computation and communication (MOCC). 
  2. Eclipse BaSyx5: open-source platform that implements key concepts defined by Platform Industry 4.0, such as the Asset Administration Shell as standardized digital twin for industrial production. provides common and re-useable off-the shelf Industry 4.0 components and SDKs (Java, C# and C++) that support the implementation of new Industry 4.0 software components to enable rapid development of Industry 4.0 solutions. 
  3. https://www.iese.fraunhofer.de/en/services/digital-twin/feral.html
  4. https://www.eclipse.org/basyx/
Pablo Oliveira Antonino

Contact Press / Media

Dr. Pablo Oliveira Antonino

Department Head Virtual Engineering

Phone +49 631 6800-2213