Co-Simulation: Simulating Heterogeneous Systems for Comprehensive Analysis

From independent operations to integrated interactions

Unlocking system synergies through enhanced insights by integrating simulation environments

In the realm of advanced engineering and complex system development, co-simulation emerges as a pivotal approach, driven by key motivations such as the need for detailed system performance evaluation, whole system simulation, and virtual qualification. It facilitates the seamless integration of different simulation models representing various system components or physical phenomena to enable them to work together in a synchronized manner. Co-simulation encompasses the principles and methods necessary for simulating a coupled system on a global scale, combining simulators to do so. This integration not only enables the realization of tailored simulation solutions but also addresses significant challenges, including the management of data exchange, synchronization of different simulation environments, and the preservation of accuracy and fidelity in the simulation outcomes. By overcoming these obstacles, co-simulation provides a comprehensive perspective on system behaviors and performance, making it invaluable for optimizing system design and functionality.

How does co-simulation work?

Co-simulation combines the strengths of diverse simulation tools and methodologies, allowing them to communicate and interact within a unified simulation environment. This is achieved through the synchronization of simulation time steps and the exchange of data between different models, ensuring coherent operation. By doing so, co-simulation can address complex problems that are beyond the scope of a single simulation model, facilitating the analysis of multifaceted systems with interdependent components.

Motivation and challenges

The versatility of co-simulation makes it applicable across a wide range of industries and domains. The automotive industry, known for its complex engineering requirements and the critical need for innovation and safety, increasingly relies on co-simulation to address specific domain challenges. Automotive companies leverage co-simulation to optimize the design and performance of vehicles, from improving fuel efficiency to enhancing safety features and ensuring compliance with environmental regulations.

One of the primary motivations in this industry is the acceleration of the development cycle for new vehicles. Co-simulation enables automotive engineers to test and validate various components and systems, such as powertrain, braking, and suspension systems, in a virtual environment before physical prototypes are built. This not only reduces development time and costs but also allows for exploring a wider range of design options and scenarios. Another key motivation for automotive companies using co-simulation is to meet stringent safety standards and regulatory requirements. Through co-simulation, companies can simulate complex scenarios that vehicles might encounter on the road, including various weather conditions, road surfaces, and emergency situations. This helps in identifying and mitigating potential safety issues early in the development process.

However, integrating diverse simulation tools poses significant challenges, including managing accurate data exchange, maintaining model fidelity, governing efficient synchronization, ensuring performance, and handling computational complexity. The fast pace of technological advancements in the automotive industry further demands continuous updates to simulation models and tools.

Despite these hurdles, the shift towards autonomous, connected, and electric vehicles makes co-simulation increasingly essential. Successfully leveraging co-simulation offers a competitive advantage by enabling the faster introduction of safer and more innovative vehicles to the market.

Enhancing automotive safety and reliability: a focused approach to co-simulation by Fraunhofer IESE

In the automotive industry, advancing from concept to deployment depends on the rigorous virtual validation and re-qualification of software systems, emphasizing the crucial roles of accuracy, scalability, and performance. With our simulation framework FERAL (Framework for Evaluation on Requirements and Architecture Level), we are at the forefront of delivering tailored solutions to enhance the reliability and effectiveness of co-simulation processes. Our goal is to ensure that heterogeneously coupled simulation models achieve accurate, performant, and efficient outcomes.

Our co-simulation strategy is designed to validate these systems meticulously, ensuring that simulations are precise, mirror real-world conditions closely, and address uncertainties effectively. This focus on delivering accurate and scalable simulations enables comprehensive testing, from individual components to entire systems, while ensuring that performance is optimized for swift execution and rapid development progress. This cohesive approach to co-simulation is central to our efforts in pushing the boundaries of automotive software development and thereby meeting the industry’s high standards for safety and reliability.

Collaboration is a cornerstone of our strategy to address co-simulation challenges effectively. We partner with industry stakeholders and academic institutions to facilitate seamless integration across diverse simulation tools and platforms. This collective effort aims to achieve a cohesive simulation ecosystem where tools work in harmony and where interoperability and compatibility are prioritized.

We tailor our solutions to meet the specific challenges and objectives of each automotive company we work with, thereby ensuring that our co-simulation strategies enhance system performance and efficiency. Our approach to continuous improvement, which leverages feedback from real-world applications and user experiences, allows us to constantly refine our models and methodologies. This dedication to enhancement not only bolsters the relevance and precision of our simulations but also solidifies our position as innovators in predictive capabilities and solutions in the automotive industry.

To build expertise in utilizing these complex co-simulation environments, we conduct specialized workshops and regularly participate in industry events. Our workshops are meticulously designed to share insights and best practices, empowering participants to adeptly implement co-simulation strategies in their projects. Additionally, through our active participation in relevant events, we demonstrate our tools using real-world examples, showcasing the practical applications and the effectiveness of our co-simulation solutions. This dual approach not only enhances understanding among our customers and partners but also highlights our commitment to advancing co-simulation technology in the automotive industry.


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Virtual validation of ECU networks.

Robert Bosch GmbH

Safety and reliability for non-automotive hardware.


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Development of modern simulation solutions


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We will be happy to support you with our tools and our knowledge in the digitalization of your systems.