
The "DorfFunk" solution was developed as part of the Digital Villages project. In this project, the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering IESE showed how digitalization opens up new opportunities for rural areas.
With DorfFunk as a communication center for the regions, citizens can offer their help, post requests or simply chat with each other in an informal setting. This makes it easy and convenient to quickly disseminate information or organize community activities.

How does the app work?

  • News & official announcements: Local authorities, associations and public institutions can publish news via a secure channel
  • News and posts: Citizens can post messages and contributions to share information or offer help
  • Events: Organization and announcement of local events
  • Offer/search: A section where users can offer and search for help, services or items
  • Group functions: Creation and management of groups for specific communities of interest or projects

What advantages does DorfFunk offer?

  • Strengthening the sense of community and improving neighborhood support
  • Promoting participation and co-design by citizens
  • Easily accessible as an app for smartphones and simple to use
  • Data security and data protection are guaranteed by modern security standards

DorfFunk is an example of the successful implementation of digital solutions to promote social interaction and community building in rural areas.

With over 250,000 users across Germany, the platform is currently available in more than 120 municipalities and statewide in Bavaria, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony, Rhineland-Palatinate, and Schleswig-Holstein.

DorfFunk is an open source solution and published under Apache 2.0 license on OpenCode.

Are you interested in operating DorfFunk in your region?



We would be happy to discuss your requirements over the phone or by appointment.



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