The support: Fraunhofer IESE optimizes technical and visual components of the FibuNet software
In order to create a basis for the migration to a web client, Fraunhofer IESE supported FibuNet both from a design and a technical perspective. The basis for the elaboration of corresponding concepts was a walkthrough with real users of the software, during which the users provided feedback on their usage behavior. Workflows and user interactions were analyzed and conspicuous features as well as opportunities for improvement were collected.
Based on this, the team of experts from Fraunhofer IESE developed a user experience (UX) concept with interaction design and visual design for the new web client. Special attention was paid to maintaining the comprehensive user support as well as the fundamental character of the software. In this way, it was possible to create a recognition value for the existing users on the one hand, while taking into account the specificities of web-based applications on the other hand. The entire visual design of the application could be modernized in this manner.
In addition, Fraunhofer IESE prepared the migration to the web client from a technical point of view. Especially the web framework used and the component libraries used have a defining influence on the structure and the technical realization of the application. By deriving suitable criteria, collecting background information, and prototyping and evaluating the technologies in question, Fraunhofer IESE created the basis for a dependable selection. On this basis, FibuNet found a suitable web technology for their client. Furthermore, Fraunhofer IESE considered the impact of the migration on the architecture concepts of the client in order to ensure that the most important quality requirements will be met sustainably.