Artificial Intelligence in the Smart City

Artificial intelligence (AI) offers the potential to improve the efficiency and quality of municipal services, promote citizen participation and support sustainable municipal development. We support you in the various phases, from conceptualization and planning through to the implementation of AI solutions for various areas of application in the Smart City.

The following procedure describes an example approach up to the complete rollout of an AI solution. We also support you with partial services from this process and can respond flexibly to your individual requirements.

Phase 1: Analysis and conception

Requirements analysis

  • Organiz ation of workshops to elicit requirements and needs of the city administration and relevant stakeholders
  • Analysing existing municipal data sources and systems
  • Identification of use cases and goals for the use of AI (e.g. traffic management, environmental monitoring, planning processes)

Feasibility study

  • Technological and economic feasibility analysis
  • Evaluation of existing AI technologies and their integration
  • Risk analysis and assessment of data protection and security requirements

Concept development

  • Development of a comprehensive concept for the use of AI
  • Definition of KPIs and success criteria
  • Creation of an implementation plan with milestones and time frame

Phase 2: Planning and design

Data integration and management

  • Selection of the required data
  • Planning of data integration from existing data infrastructure (e.g., traffic monitoring, IoT sensors)

Technical infrastructure

  • Design of the technical infrastructure
  • Selection of suitable technical partners and providers

AI models and algorithms

  • Development and training of AI models for the identified use cases
  • Implementation of algorithms for data analysis and decision support

Phase 3: Implementation and testing

Prototyping and pilot projects

  • Development of prototypes for selected use cases
  • Realization of pilot projects to validate the concept and collect user feedback

Full implementation

  • Rollout of the AI solutions throughout the city or in specialized areas
  • Training and support for city employees and stakeholders

Monitoring and evaluation

  • Continuous monitoring of systems and processes
  • Regular evaluation and optimization based on the collected data and feedback

Have we piqued your interest?

Do you need support with one or more of these steps? Contact us and we will arrange a non-binding appointment to find out how we can best support you.



We will be happy to cater to your individual wishes.  

Get in touch with us!



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