Our services for customers & industries

Fraunhofer IESE bridges the gap between the research lab and the industry and application domain.

Software and digitalization are driving innovation and development in all industries. Thus, we are happy to support you, no matter in which domain you are active. In most cases, there are industry-specific challenges and constraints to consider, which we address with appropriate domain know-how. That is why we have specifically bundled our services for you here.


Agriculture & Food

Fraunhofer IESE promotes the digitization of agriculture with the use of software-based solutions. We support you in successfully integrating the concept of Agriculture 4.0 into agricultural practice.


Automotive & Mobility

Are you looking for a partner for your Automotive project? In the Automotive and Commercial Vehicle industry, Fraunhofer IESE supports companies with analyses and innovative software engineering solutions.


Digital Business

In digital business, exceptional customer experiences are created through digital transformation. Digital business models replace the traditional core business by adapting or realigning it. An ideal combination of physical and digital resources opens up completely new opportunities for companies. Innovation in Digital Business is therefore reflected in products and processes.



Do you want to further develop and optimize your production, technologies, processes, or products through software-based and digital innovations and align them with Industrie 4.0? Then Fraunhofer IESE is the first point of contact for industrial manufacturing companies, machine and plant manufacturers, software producers, system integrators, and engineering service providers.


Digitalization in rural areas

Smart City & Smart Region

  • Making life in rural areas fit for the future
  • Task for government, research, business, and society
  • Treading new and innovative paths

Fraunhofer IESE sees itself as a pioneer of future-oriented ideas


Digital Healthcare

The digital transformation in health care does not only present challenges, but also offers entirely new opportunities. Fraunhofer IESE shows you how to benefit from digitalization.

Reference Projects of Fraunhofer IESE
